Elisabeth Wagner School of Nature Moods Painting Training for Children and Adults
There is a painting training available today that was pioneered in Dornach, Switzerland by the artist Gerard Wagner. This way of painting is a bridge to a world of color experience that is especially helpful in our times. Through awakened color feeling that is methodically developed, individuals find deeper relationships to themselves and the world around them. The exercises develop heart forces that are in harmony with intellectual activity.
Students work in transparent water color using the training sketches of Rudolf Steiner known as the Nature Moods. Central to the research and development of this method was the attempt to answer the question leading the new painting impulse: "How does form arise from color?" In this way of painting, we stand in the position of the color itself and discover what a color really is.
Gerard Wagner worked with the training exercises for decades and developed the way of painting that we use today. After more than 70 years of painting he left the world with over 4000 paintings in an archive in Switzerland. Elisabeth Wagner-Koch was his first student. They worked together for over 50 years to render this way of painting into learnable and teachable method. The book, THE INDIVIDUALITY OF COLOR, and The Painting School at the Goetheanum are fruits of their collaboration.
For more information regarding Gerard Wagner and Elisabeth Wagner-Koch, the Painting School at the Goetheanum and the Archive see www.malschule-goetheanum.ch/en and www.gerardwagner.de.
Our school, The Elisabeth Wagner School of Nature Moods Painting, was founded September 29, 2012. Our school is a self-paced program that focuses on the Nature Moods training exercise and painting indications and the further development of these by Gerard Wagner. Any one can enter our training at any time, and no experience is required. We begin by painting the gestures of the colors, then experience two colors meeting, then three. We experiment with changing formats and changing color backgrounds. The next exercises prepare the student for painting the Nature Moods.
Our goal is to train objective color perception which aids in harmonizing thinking, feeling and willing in the individual human being. This artistic training aids in the development of inner freedom. It is a training for our time!
Diane Roman leads the school. She trained at the Painting School at the Goetheanum and directly with Elisabeth Wagner in the Individual Studies Program at the Goetheanum. After 5 years work, she completed her diploma in 2006. Diane returned to Dornach in 2009 and 2010 to complete a pedagogical study of this way of painting and is currently writing a book about this important aspect of the painting. She has been teaching and leading workshops in Poland, Switzerland and the US since 2004.
For more information regarding the school, please contact us at
[email protected]
Nature Moods
Exercises for a modern way of painting
Rudolf Steiner gave these 9 motifs to the painters to develop themselves and their understanding of the question: "How does form come out of Color?" When we penetrate to the meaning of this question, we find the door that leads to living experiences with the colors. This way of working requires awake feelings and keen observation of a process, and when combined with conscious thinking, the human being can experience the one of the highest activities: co-creation with the beings of color.
These 9 Nature Moods are not just pictures, but real life processes. Rising Sun I, Setting Sun I, Shining Moon, Summer Trees, Fruiting Trees, Rising Moon, Setting Moon, Rising Sun II and Setting Sun II are real, live events in Nature. When we discover that these motifs can form out of a specific series of colors painted on a particular colored background we realize that we are not copying nature but instead are raising Nature to a higher level of activity. This we can do as we school our thinking, feeling and willing with these exercises.
Paintings of the Nature Moods by adult students
Adult Painting Workshops